A woman in labor will usually head to the hospital or a birth center. Some may opt for a home birth. Regardless of where the woman is in labor, the medical professionals who are in charge of her care must ensure that she and the baby are faring well.
This is done by monitoring the contractions, the baby’s heart rate, and the woman’s vital signs.
Why is close monitoring so important during labor and delivery?
The nurses, midwives, and doctors who are watching the woman and her baby should watch for signs of distress. There are several that can occur. When something happens, they should act swiftly to try to correct the problem. When monitoring wasn’t handled correctly or the medical professionals didn’t react to issues, there’s a chance that the woman and her baby may suffer from catastrophic harm. These cases can turn fatal.
Does every labor and delivery need to be monitored?
Some expectant mothers feel like monitoring isn’t that necessary — but there are many different reasons that a doctor should consider it. Before a doctor should agree to an absence of monitoring, the condition of the mother and the unborn child must both be assessed for risk factors. Everything from underlying medical conditions the mother may have and her prior experiences with childbirth to the baby’s position in the womb and size should be part of the calculations.
Anyone who suffered harm due to substandard care during labor and delivery can seek compensation through a medical malpractice lawsuit. While money can’t overcome all of your losses, it can make it easier to provide the medical care your child needs in the future or gain closure after your loss.